Your website's images are not displaying
Problem: Images are not missing or not loading on your website on Tiiny Host Solution: This could be for a combination of reasons: There are spaces in your filenames Your filenames or directories are not all lowercase Your files are in a different directory to it's referencePopularSomething is missing on my website
Problem: Your CSS, images, videos, music or other files can sometimes be missing from your website after you upload your content to Tiiny Host. Solution: You can identify which files are missing on Chrome by opening the Developer Tools section. You can learn how here: Once the Developer tools are open on your site, click on the Network and refresh the page. The files highlighted in Red are missing or cannot be found by the site. ThisPopularYour website's styling/color/layout is broken
Problem: Your webpage does not display correctly on Tiiny Host and looks different offline or in your editor. This is likely because there was an error finding the CSS file related to your HTML page. Solution: This could be for a combination of reasons: There are spaces in your CSS filenames Your CSS filenames or directories are not all lowercase Your CSS files are in a different directory to it's referencePopularYour Tiiny Host link is blocked whilst sharing it on Outlook/Facebook/LinkedIn or other apps
Problem: Whilst trying to share your link on Linked In/Facebook or in Outlook its gets flagged as a spam or phishing link. This is unfortunately due to large volumes of spam uploaded to our platform which we regularly remove. Solution: On our subscription plans, we provide a unique social sharing link which you can use to share on social platforms. (httPopularSite cannot be reached error (Secure connection failed)
Problem: Whilst trying to access your link you see errors like: Secure connection failed Safari can't open this link This site can't provide a secure connection ERRSSLPROTOCOLERROR This is unfortunately due to large volumes of spam uploaded to our platform which we regularly remove. As a result some Internet Service Providers (ISPs), firewalls and corporate networks block our link. Solution: On our subscription plans, we have released our .tiiPopularSorry, that link name is taken. (error message)
If you see a Sorry that link-name is taken error message you will need to enter a different link-name when uploading. Please see the screenshot:PopularHow can I delete my account?
You can delete your account by going to account and selecting delete account from the list.Few readers